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Climate Crisis
our aim to be Carbon Neutral by 2050.

9043 Days
23 Hours
13 Minutes
43 Seconds

Continued Improvements

We have committees set up to address climate change issues and a dedicated officer who can be contacted at  

We are continually investigating ways in which we can reduce our carbon footprint and protect our environment.

What can I do?

Together we can make a difference.  The things we do in our daily lives – how we travel and power our homes, the stuff we buy and then dispose of are all affecting climate change.

Making simple, everyday changes can help save money, create healthier lives and reduce our carbon footprint.


PeCAN, Petersfield's Climate Action Network

PeCAN is helping Petersfield and surrounding villages to reduce carbon emissions and protect nature.  Contact them directly for their expert advice.

Money Saving Boiler Challenge

If 10 million households turned down the flow temperature on their combi boilers to 60 degrees celsius or below, this would wipe £1 billion off UK energy bills and save 1.7 million tonnes of carbon emissions – the equivalent of nearly six million transatlantic flights   Find out how to turn down the flow temperature on your combi boiler HERE.  As featured in PeCAN’s October Newsletter.

More than £125,000 allocated to local environmental projects

Smart Living

Hampshire County Council help to minimise waste in Hampshire Homes.


Carrr-boot sales, were introduced by Petersfield Town Council and are hosted at the Avenue Pavilion with the aim of promoting the three R’s—Reduce, Reuse, and Recycle—and have successfully encouraged local residents to repurpose items and divert them from landfills.

At the heart of these car boot sales is the idea of repurposing. Instead of discarding unwanted items, Petersfield residents are encouraged to give them a new lease of life by finding them new homes. By participating in these events, not only do attendees support sustainability and environmental consciousness, but they also contribute to the community spirit that thrives in Petersfield.

Remember, reducing, reusing, and recycling starts with us all. Together, let’s repurpose and find new homes for the items we no longer need, all while supporting a sustainable future.

We hope to see you there!

Petersfield's First Eco Fair

On Sunday 14th of July 2024 Petersfield Climate Action Network (PeCAN) together with Petersfield Town Council (PTC) held Petersfield’s second Eco Fair! The first Eco Fair was held in July 2022.


It was a fun, informative day out for all the family where you could get tips and ideas for reducing plastic use and your carbon footprint, whether it be by saving energy in your home, upcycling those clothes you no longer want or by getting back on your bike.  Learning how you could help increase biodiversity with good gardening practice, or by letting your garden grow a little wilder.


There were talks, an art exhibition, children’s activities, and live music throughout the day, with food, drink and locally brewed beer as well as stalls selling items which were ethically sourced, using minimum packaging.


Visitors were encouraged to walk or cycle and to avoid waste by bringing reusable cups and bottles for drinks.  The event was run using batteries charged by renewable energy and bike racks were available.

Increased Winter Rainfall

Increased Winter Rainfall

Expected that precipitation in the Winter will increase by up to 35% by 2080.

Sea Levels Rising

Sea Levels Rising

Sea levels in the South East is expected to rise by up to 30 centimeters by 2040.

Higher Temperatures

Higher Temperatures

The average Summer temperature in the South East is expected to rise by 1-4 degrees centigrade under 2 degrees centigrade global warming.

More Extreme Weather

More Extreme Weather

More frequent Winter storms and greater near surface wind speeds.

Increased Water Scarcity

Increased Water Scarcity

The South of England will experience more dry Summers, with a 20-60% precipitation reduction under 2 degrees centigrade global warming.

Natural Habitat Loss

Natural Habitat Loss

27% of native UK species are at a medium to high risk of decline by 2080.

Solar Panels

Solar Panels up top!

The roof of Petersfield Festival Hall is already equipped with panels from which we have been enjoying renewable energy for almost ten years.

Pesticide Policy

Petersfield Town Council is committed to reducing its use of Pesticides.

South Downs National Park

Dark Skies Reserve

Hampshire County Council Climate Action

East Hampshire District Council

Cost of Living Support

Heath Project

Heath Pond Enhancement & Pond Bank Stabilisation.

Green Energy

How we’re reducing our carbon footprint.

Free Refill Station

Town Hall signs up to the global network of places to reduce, reuse and refill.

Climate Action Groups

Petersfield Climate Action Network.


PeCAN has compiled a useful directory of what can be recycled and where in Petersfield More.


Petersfield Area Super Homes


Petersfield Town Council are investigating ways in which we can make the building more eco-friendly as part of the Festival Hall Refurbishment Project.

What is your Carbon Footprint?

Calculate yours!

Electric Cars

What you need to know about them.

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