Have you ever wondered which council is responsible for what? This list though not exhaustive will give you an idea. Please click on the Council Logos to take you to their respective websites.

Petersfield Town Council’s responsibilities include:
Tilmore Allotments
Festival Hall
Bus Shelters
Christmas Lights
Dog Waste/Rubbish Bins on Town Council Greenspace
Public Noticeboards
The Avenue Pavilion
Recreation Grounds
Children’s Playgrounds
Skate Park, Love Lane
Sports Pitches, Love Lane & Penns Place
Tennis Courts, Avenue Pavilion
The Heath
Rotherlands Nature Reserve
War Memorial
Town Visitor Centre
New Savoy Cinema
Hampshire County Council‘s responsibilities include:
Gritting of Roads
Household Waste Recycling Site (The Tip)
Reporting a pothole
Roads & Pavements
Traffic Lights, Pedestrian Crossings
Public Transport
Bus & Travel Passes
Registration of Births, Marriages & Deaths
Social Services
Street Lighting
Trading Standards
Youth Service
East Hampshire District Council‘s responsibilities include:
Car Parks
Council Tax and Non-Domestic (Business) Rates
Roadside Litter Bins
Community Recycling
Electoral Register/Elections
Environmental Health (Food Premises/Noise Pollution)
Grass Verges/Other Green Areas
Kerbside Recycling Collection
Listed Building/Conservation Areas
Planning in areas Outside the National Park
Protection of Trees
Public Toilets
Refuse Collection
Sports Centres
Street Cleansing
Street Naming/Nameplates