"Taking a big picture view, similar to the Spring in Havant, we feel that the Festival Hall could operate very successfully as a dynamic Arts Centre, obviously without the museum element, since the town already has this. PACS only uses the hall once a year and this is a major event, but no doubt there is plenty of scope for other societies, clubs, groups, and educational organisations to congregate here more frequently and in a centralised location with lots of spin-off commercial benefits eg for a cafe/restaurant. The community centre in love lane and the Herne centre currently host several of these other activities, but it might be good to centralise and have everything under one Arts umbrella which would create a much more dynamic hub identity for the town. Many of the proposed architectural changes that we have seen would seem to accommodate this view. On the financial and political front some of the local councillors we spoke to recently said there are concerns about cutbacks in government funding that may affect this and other potential projects for Petersfield. Also, whilst there is currently a strong will and momentum for change coming from the existing council, this may not continue if another council is elected in future. Fingers crossed that at least some of the proposals to through!"