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Regulation 30 Notice of Minor (Non-Material) Modifications to the Petersfield Neighbourhood Development Plan [2013-2028]

The Petersfield Neighbourhood Development Plan [2013-2028] was made by the Authority on 21 January 2016.  On this date, the Petersfield Neighbourhood Development Plan became part of the Development Plan and a material consideration in the determination of planning applications and appeals in Petersfield, Hampshire.

In accordance with Regulation 30 of the Neighbourhood Planning (General) Regulations 2012 (as amended), we are writing to inform you that, on 26 September 2024, the South Downs National Park Authority made minor (non-material) modifications to the Petersfield Neighbourhood Development Plan.  This was at the request and with the consent of Petersfield Town Council (the “Qualifying Body”) who approved the minor modifications at their Finance & General Purposes Committee on 19 September 2024.  The modifications include corrections, clarifications, updated maps and references, and some changes to the supporting text in relation to superseded national and local planning policies.  The date on which the Petersfield Neighbourhood Development Plan was formally “made” remains the same, i.e., 21 January 2016.

The modified Petersfield Neighbourhood Development Plan – including its modification statement and supporting maps – are available to view at the Authority’s offices and website:

If you require any further information about the minor modifications to the Petersfield Neighbourhood Development Plan [2013-2028], then please contact:

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