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Petersfield's search for first official Town Crier

On Saturday 28th January 2023 at 12 o’clock midday, Petersfield Town Councli ran its first official Town Cry Pageant in Rams Walk.

This rare civic event of a ‘Public Cry’ for the position of Petersfield’s first Town Crier was organised by Cllr Paul Milner.

Keen candidates performed a short standard proclamation, and were judged in their performance by Town Councillors and special guests;

Chair of the Ancient and Honourable Guild of Town Criers – Mr Christian Ashdown

Haslemere Town Crier, along with the secretary of the Guild, Mrs Jane Smith – Bognor Regis Town Crier

Public were invited to witness this enjoyable pageant and applauded the candidates on their performances.

Mr Christian Ashdown

Chair of the Ancient and Honourable Guild of Town Criers - Haslemere Town Crier

Mrs Jane Smith

Secretary of the Guild - Bognor Regis Town Crier

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