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Petersfield Town Mayor

The Town Mayor is elected in May each year by the Town Councillors at the Mayor Making ceremony.  They will represent the Town Council at any civic functions or events both in Petersfield and outside of Petersfield, and will preside over Full Council meetings held each month (with the exception of August).  They will also promote Petersfield as much as they can.

The badge and chain is worn by the Town Mayor and has a picture of the Hampshire Rose on it.

Cllr Lesley Farrow

Town Mayor 2024-25

Cllr Chris Paige

Deputy Town Mayor 2024-25

Town Mayor 2024-25

Lesley studied Law at Newcastle Polytechnic followed by articles.  Moving to Petersfield in 1977 Lesley has two children who attended Bedales.

Lesley was a committee member of Save the Children for 34 years, and became a Councillor in 2011.  Having served on Petersfield Town Council for 13 years, three of which were as Mayor, she is now a member of Finance & General Purposes and Sports, Recreation & Environment Committee.


Subsequently being chairman of Grounds for 4 years and one of the main facilitators of bringing the Grounds work in-house.  Lesley’s interests include race judging for Cowes Week and general history.

Deputy Town Mayor 2024-25

Christopher Paige has lived in Petersfield since 2016 with his wife and family. 

Chris served 11.5 years in the British Army in various international deployments, and since leaving the Army in 2013, he has spent most of his employment within the NHS and Healthcare industry as an IT engineer. This is mainly in Ministry of Justice sites such as Prisons and Immigration centers in the south of England but does include hospitals and surgical centers.

In his free time Chris enjoys golf, and course-fishing.

An active member of the Petersfield Branch of the Royal British Legion, Chris was pivotal to the Town Council pledging to the Armed Forces Covenant and has proactively leads armed forces initiatives.  Chris is Chairman of Public Halls and on F&GP Committee.

The Town Mayor will choose a specific charity for the duration that they are Town Mayor and will run fund raising events for this charity.  After a year, all the money that is raised will be given to the chosen charity.

The Rosemary Foundation

Providing a hospice at home care available 24/7 365 days of the year operating from Petersfield and covering surrounding towns and villages. The Rosemary Foundation strives to meet the wishes and honour the unique value of each service user and carer.

Petersfield Lions Club

Petersfield Lions Club was formed in 1972 and has been helping the local community ever since through service, fundraising and raising awareness of world issues like vision, hunger, environment, diabetes and childhood cancer.

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The Town Mayor attends a variety of events throughout the year in and around Petersfield.  Events range from business openings to award presentations.  If you would like to invite the Town Mayor to your function:

Email the Town Mayor’s PA

Tickets for Town Mayor’s events:

Find them on Ticket Source

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