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Hart Wildlife

HART Wildlife Rescue is a registered charity which runs a wildlife hospital in North East Hampshire, providing a rescue, treatment and rehabilitation service for wildlife from all over Hampshire and surrounding counties. HART also gives advice to vets, the RSPCA and members of the public from all over the country.

RSPCA Wildlife

Animals can rely on us to rescue them when they need us most. To rehabilitate them wherever possible, provide them with the very best veterinary care and to find them new homes, either through rehoming or release.

Wildlife Aid Foundation

The Wildlife Aid Foundation (WAF) is dedicated to the rescue, care and rehabilitation of sick, injured and orphaned wild animals. Established in 1980, the charity’s veterinary wildlife hospital in Leatherhead, Surrey deals with more than 20,000 wildlife emergencies every year.

EHDC Animal Welfare

The environmental health team is responsible for enforcing the wide range of legislation in the UK designed to protect the health and welfare of both domesticated and wild animals. Animal health and welfare legislation is enforced jointly by local authorities and the Department for Environment, Food and Rural Affairs (DEFRA), in association with other government bodies and independent organisations, like the RSPCA.

Swan Support

We are a swan rescue centre treating and caring for sick and injured swans within the Thames Valley and surrounding areas. We are also passionate about educating the public with regards to the detrimental effect human behaviour and carelessness can have on swans and other water birds. We are on call 24 hours a day, 7 days a week, and have 20 years of experience in the rescue and rehabilitation of swans.

Bee Swarms

If you see a honeybee swarm in the Petersfield area, call association swarm coordinator on 07531 901767.

Hart Wildlife Rescue
01420 562335
RSPCA (Wildlife)
0300 1234 999
Wildlife Aid
01372 360404
EHDC Animal Welfare
01730 266551
Swan Support
07968 868172 or 01628 876336
Bee Swarms
07531 901767
Hart Wildlife Rescue
01420 562335
RSPCA (Wildlife)
0300 1234 999
Wildlife Aid
01372 360404
EHDC Animal Welfare
01730 266551
Swan Support
07968 868172 or 01628 876336
Bee Swarms
07531 901767
Hart Wildlife Rescue
01420 562335
RSPCA (Wildlife)
0300 1234 999
Wildlife Aid
01372 360404
EHDC Animal Welfare
01730 266551
Swan Support
07968 868172 or 01628 876336
Bee Swarms
07531 901767
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